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We are mammas exists to help all women during motherhood: pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and breastfeeding. Know our values .

We have heard the story hundreds of times. An overwhelming postpartum experience that includes tears, sweat, interrupted sleep, and a baby who just wants to eat and eat and eat... And the months go by and things get better, but we believe there are a few tools that can make this initial part of the journey easier. , and that's why we created We are mammas.

Learning to balance, accept obstacles along the way, and ask for help when needed, allows new mothers to develop with calm, confidence, and acceptance. Motherhood is beautiful and empowering, but it often comes with challenges and heartaches, and we don't have to face them alone.

At We are mammas we work hard to give voice and visibility to positive motherhood. We create sustainable, safe and effective products that accompany moms in the physical and emotional challenges of pregnancy, postpartum and breastfeeding. And that they become the best gifts for pregnant women, gifts that will truly thank you.
There are plenty of resources to make the journey of motherhood more enjoyable, and we want you to have them all by your side.



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At We are mammas we work so that the challenges of postpartum and breastfeeding are no longer invisible. Thank you for being part of our fight!